How Important is Price?

When you are planning building, renovation or restoration work, budget is a big factor, there’s no escaping that fact. But what else do you need to consider when you are looking at quotes and talking to prospective companies? We’ve put together the top 5 things you need to think about, alongside the price.

Reputation – Ask around, someone you know may have dealt with them, what is their reputation locally? This isn’t fool proof as people have different motivations for bad mouthing companies on occasion (competitors bearing a grudge for example) but if you hear a few positive or a few negative opinions it will give you an idea either way. Check Google for any online reviews or feedback. Bad reputations tend to spread fast so by making a few checks you will hopefully weed out any potential problem companies. Also check their website for testimonials and ask for references you can confirm; they should be willing to provide some previous customers you can chat to about their experiences.

Quality of work – No builder will tell you their work isn’t of a high quality, so you need some proof. Is there a portfolio available to view online or in person and can you check the information they give you about previous work carried out?  Is there a warranty available on completed work? This is a great reassurance that should anything not be as expected it will be rectified and there’s some come back if any problems should occur in future.

Experience – Have they been in business long and do you know the background of the business and its founders? Why not ask. Having experienced people in charge will speak volumes for the level of expertise available and they are likely to have an amazing network of contractors to call upon to carry out each part of the work you require. No two builds are the same and the breadth of experience a building company has will really impact on not only the quality of work but their ability to deal with any unforeseen circumstances swiftly and efficiently.

Communication – You can start monitoring this straight away. Were they easy to get hold of and did they get back to you when they said they would? Will they give you a central point of contact to liaise with throughout the work being carried out? If it is a big budget build you would expect to be able to meet in person for an in-depth meeting prior to the quote to ensure there is an accurate price given and expectations are realistic on both sides. Ask them if they have a clear process. There should be total transparency with costs on invoices and itemised billing is essential.  

Ethos – Last but most definitely not least, what is the company’s ethos? Do you even know if there is one? If there is a clear mission statement or ethos on their website that is a great indicator as to the way they are going to operate. Hopefully with integrity and transparency throughout.

At KT5 Construction we are strong believers in not the cheapest price but the best value price as we are run by builders with 25 years+ experience and we have a team of experienced and skilled people for every build we carry out. The size of our team ensures there’s always a back up and we never take on more work than we can deal with. You will have a central point of contact and be kept in the loop on a daily basis about progress and any changes to the schedule.

We believe there is a gap in the market for a professional customer-focused builder, one that realises that if you treat customers with honesty and transparency, they will respect that and in turn it becomes more of a partnership.

KT5 Construction Reliable Builders